Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Change of Plans

To tell you where I am going~ I must first tell you where I've been.
I've enjoyed the comforts in life... When I have been able to find them. I've also experienced the heartaches of life and the discomforts of actually living it.
No one should be able to say that they can't rejoice during the good times, grieve through the sad times and appreciate everything
in between.
Truly it's the in between that brings me to this very moment.
  The cusp of something  that's hopefully far greater than myself. 
The in between is where I have lived~ an undetermined amount of years. The problem is I haven't really been living it.
I have my 31st birthday coming up~ in one week actually,
and nothing is as I thought it would be.
There are days when I cease to realize my purpose in this life, and I think "where do I go from here?"
I intend to find out .In 365 days ~I hope to:
  1. Find my inspiration..my bliss
  2. Rekindle my Love for Life
  3. and somehow, in small ways- leave a larger mark in the hearts of others.. making the world a better place.
 Embrace yet another change in plans.
Funny how things never quite turn out the way you want or expect them to.. but sometimes.. they turn out much better
than you could have ever imagined. I'm curious to see where this road leads...

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